Monday, October 25, 2010

FW: My dear Portia

I wanted to share with all of you that last Sunday, on a beautiful fall day, I had my lovely Portia put to sleep.  She was 15 ½ years old and had been a wonderful companion in my life.  She retained her health and vigor until the last few months, and even this summer she could still move across the backyard with that proud gait that marked her in the show ring. She was the perfect example of good breeding---good structure lasts.  And she could still chase her granddaughter, Faith, to teach her some manners.  She never could stand an unruly pup, even if that “pup” was four years old.  She brought so much to my family’s life…her show career, her two litters that produced some Manchesters we are very proud of: Tuxedo, who with Joy Henderson’s handling was the top Manchester in Canada for years.; Mercedes, who was invited to the first AKC Eukanuba show in Florida with Randy and Regina Osborne;  Bessie, who became the AMTC Hall of Fame dog I always wanted to breed; Josie, who had a good career in the show ring but who went on to produce Ethan, the first TDX Manchester in the country and Tyrone, who sired Scorch and Faith, who will be my own HOF Manchester.  And the other puppies who may not have become champions except where it really matters—in the hearts of their families. 


Portia and I traveled so many miles together and had so many adventures.  We traveled by car, by motor home.  We traveled to California, to Oregon, to Iowa; we visited The Little Big Horn and Mt Rushmore.  We saw a wild turkey mother with her chicks at the Milk River. We went to National specialties and we went to Puyallup.  We stood in show rings, and obedience rings and rally rings.  We got ribbons, we got medallions, we got skunked.  We had so much fun and learned so much together.  She never really warmed up to Neil, unless he was suffering.  And then she would stand with her head on his leg, a silent offering of peace to him.  But until two years ago, she would always try and sometimes succeed in biting him when he came to bed.


Some of the most fun we had was later, when we joined our trainer, Larry Babb, in a crazy project called “FIDO”.  What a great time we had, practicing “dress and cover”, learning how to be part of a team of handlers and dogs who set out to put on a show.  We didn’t miss very many practices---Portia wouldn’t stand for it.  She loved being part of FIDO and that crazy pack.  She adored Larry, even if sometimes she thought he was kind of crazy.  And she really loved to perform.  That gait always kicked in when the music started.  And she proved that small dogs could keep up just fine with the big dogs. 


She was bred by Myrtle and Fred Klensch.  She was given to me on a co-ownership and when I finisher her and bred a litter, she was signed over to me in total.  We never signed anything, it was a verbal agreement that was followed to the letter.  The day Myrtle came to my home and picked her two puppies from Portia’s litter is the day she signed Portia over to me.  It was the most beautiful gift I was ever given.  On the day she died, Portia was still beautiful.  I want to thank all of you for being part of her life. 

She was Ch Salutaire As You Like It CD, RN, CGC and I will always miss her.


Veda, Neil, Byron, Laurel and Danny Viles

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Friday, September 17, 2010


Hi Dana!

You may not remember us, but we came to you with our first puppy in
1995. Jeff and I had been married a year, and Cory was our first dog,
adopted from the King County Animal Shelter in May of that year. We
did puppy kindergarten with him and a few years of obedience classes
until we moved out of the area to North Bend in 2000.

After being our companion and the best family dog we could have ever
wanted (we have two kids now!) Cory crossed the Rainbow Bridge at the
age of 15 this summer due to complications from arthritis. We miss
him dearly, and not a day goes by where we don't wish he was still
here with us.

Many of our fondest memories with Cory are the obedience classes we
took with Larry. So much of what he taught us made us good puppy
parents. Larry's positive attitude toward dog and owner education
was a perfect fit for us.

We are so sorry to hear of Larry's passing, and we feel so fortunate
to have had him part of our life with Cory.

Best wishes,
Jeff and Kim Ayars

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Juliette Beuviere

In Loving Memory to my Queen Juliette 11/3/98 to 8/17/10. Larry, please welcome my angel, you were the only one she respected enough to "down" so I know she immediately sought you out when she crossed over.

When I found out about your death, it hit me so deeply that it is impossible to explain the impact your loss was felt by me. Now, I understand that you are there to help guide all the angels you touched in your life. Knowing you are there with her brings me comfort at this time of great loss.

Sorry, this is so much to say but I am so overcome with grief at this time all I can say is Thank YOU for being in our lives.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Dear Dana,

I am so shocked to learn that Larry has passed on. He wasn't much older than I am. He is, I'm sure, greatly missed by both you and the dog training community.

My service dog, Friday, passed away on June 4, 2010 after 7 good years of service. Well, six good years and one of watching her decline. She never lost her love of going places and being with people, though. She was the light of my life for a long time. She is missed. If I had known Larry was already over the bridge, I would have told her to go to him. I suspect, however, that she will find him on her own. She was good at that.

Eileen Hawkins

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

We miss you

Monday, January 4, 2010

FW: Sassy (2001-2009)

Hi Dana


In her November, 2008 column, Sassy wrote "Five of my departed canine brothers and sisters are now reunited with Larry, their beloved teacher, at Rainbow Bridge.  Some day I will see him again, too."


I never thought it would be this soon.  Sassy's untimely death came as quite a surprise.  We didn't even know she was sick!  Yes, we would be honored if you would add Sassy's image to your Rainbow Bridge page.


I missed you at the Canine Christmas adoption event on Dec. 13th.  I'm a volunteer for Pawsitive Alliance.  They have really got their act together!  Did you know that 97 dogs found new homes at that event?  Bless you for making your facilities available for such a good cause.


I think of you and Larry often, and I hope you are well.  Thank you for thinking of us.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dana Babb" <>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2010 5:52:52 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: RE: Sassy (2001-2009)

I am soooo sorry! 


I have been offline for quite awhile but now have a new computer – That is such a sweet, wonderful obituary for her – I hope you told her to look for Larry when she crossed the Bridge.  Do you have a phot of her?  We have a Rainbow Bridge page on our website and I would love to add her.  Please take care!  Love to you both, Dana


From: []
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 6:39 PM
To:;; Penny LeGate;
Subject: Sassy (2001-2009)


Sassy passed away when a splenic tumor ruptured.  I've never written a doggy obit before, as most of our former rescued canine companions departed with little fanfare.  But Sassy was special.  She touched a lot of lives, and was loved by many.  So if I was going to submit an obituary for Sassy, this is how it would read:


A private service was held on Saturday for Sassy, an Elko native and former Renton, WA resident, who died at Five Corners Veterinary Hospital on Christmas Day after a brief illness. She was eight years old.

Sassy was born and raised in Elko, NV. Incarcerated by Elko Animal Control when her guardian was sent to prison, Sassy was liberated by Dog Town Canine Rescue who recognized her potential as a companion animal. After drawing little interest on the adoption circuit, Sassy found her forever home in 2004 with a family in the Seattle area where she became a familiar face in the Talbot Hill neighborhood, and on the Metro bus lines, the Seattle-Bainbridge Island ferry run, and Eagle Harbor beaches. She participated in a variety of rescue-related fundraising activities and was a columnist for Dog Town's newsletter, "The Scoop".

Sassy was a model canine citizen and a wonderful ambassador for the Pit Bull breed. Adults were awed by her powerful physique as much as children were drawn to her kind, inviting eyes and gentle nature. She was well-loved and will be sorely missed by all who knew her, especially her human cousins.

Sassy is survived by her guardians, William and Veronica Best, and canine siblings Tyke, Mickey, and Jorja. The Best family is eternally grateful to Lorayn Walser for rescuing Sassy from certain peril, and for entrusting them with her care. Memorial contributions can be sent to Dog Town Canine Rescue, PO Box 2978, Carson City, NV 89702