Friday, September 17, 2010


Hi Dana!

You may not remember us, but we came to you with our first puppy in
1995. Jeff and I had been married a year, and Cory was our first dog,
adopted from the King County Animal Shelter in May of that year. We
did puppy kindergarten with him and a few years of obedience classes
until we moved out of the area to North Bend in 2000.

After being our companion and the best family dog we could have ever
wanted (we have two kids now!) Cory crossed the Rainbow Bridge at the
age of 15 this summer due to complications from arthritis. We miss
him dearly, and not a day goes by where we don't wish he was still
here with us.

Many of our fondest memories with Cory are the obedience classes we
took with Larry. So much of what he taught us made us good puppy
parents. Larry's positive attitude toward dog and owner education
was a perfect fit for us.

We are so sorry to hear of Larry's passing, and we feel so fortunate
to have had him part of our life with Cory.

Best wishes,
Jeff and Kim Ayars