Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Giving my dog to Larry --

Please give my Jack a good ear scratchin' and belly rub for me -- tell him I miss him immensely.  Being a cocker spaniel with a docked tail, he won't be creating a lot of wind, but deserves praise for being a good dog anyway.  While here on earth, he was a therapy dog and LOVED visiting patients at Madigan Army Medical Center.  Please tell him I love him, and miss him SO much!  Thanks, Larry!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

FW: Thinking of Larry

Today Patricia and I were ring stewards for OKC, it was bittersweet on many levels.  The first trial I've been to since Ekko had her first ACL surgery, and the first since we lost Larry.  It was interesting watching the handlers and dogs (we stewarded with CT Fulkerson for Utility A, Open B & Versatility).  It was a tough day with not many qualifiers (5 dogs total out of 22 entries within the 3 classes) some due to the dogs being, well, dogs and some due to handler errors...where both our thoughts drifted to Larry. 
At the conclusion of our ring we both commented on how blessed we were to have trained with Larry.  Not only did he teach us how to throw a dumb bell (a lesson many of the handlers could have used) but he was also on us like a hawk for "bad human" errors.  Several teams did not qualify simply because of handler errors, which thanks to Larry, we both know better than to committ.
As I continue with my training I will NEVER forget the lessons Larry taught me, both in obedience and in life. 
Tonya, Heloise, Ekko & Oliver (all BETTER dogs for having known Uncle Larry) 

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and all answers is contained in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka

Sunday, October 18, 2009

From Last Year's Memorial Service






Saturday, October 17, 2009

Subject: B-Mail from da Rainbow Bridge

From: Thor Bailey
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 09:18:55 -0700 (PDT)
To: dana@everydoghas.com
Subject: B-Mail from da Rainbow Bridge

Hi, it's Thor sendin' youse a b-mail. Dat's Bridge Mail from da Rainbow Bridge. Jus' wanted to let youse know dat me an' Larry have been catchin' up on old times. He's here an' lookin' fresh an' healthy an' young again. Jus' like me.

He tol' me to tell youse dat he's goin' to play wif all da dogs he's had da pleasure of knowin', trainin', and spendin' his life wif over da years. All of dem dat are here are surroundin' him as I'm writin' dis. I can hardly see him 'cause dere are so many of dem dat know him an' love him.

Jus' like you do, and my dad an' mawm do. Day said day is gonna miss him very much, an' dat all of his and your teachin's are gonna be what makes TeeJay da best of da best.

Do you know how good it feels to hear dem words again? Praise a good dog. He's been sayin' it non-stop since he arrived. An' so many tails are waggin' dat it causes quite a wind blowin' 'round up here.

So, da nex' time youse sees da wind blowin' da leaves off da trees, dat's prob'ly Larry jus' sayin' "Praise a good dog" to all of us an' we're sendin' it on to youse.........

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Valerie Ann Piltz

Paws-Abilities Office Manager


"Praise a Good Dog!"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I miss you dad

I can't even express how much I miss you.  How much I wish I had more time to spend with you.  Thank you for being a the best dad, mentor, ampa anyone could ever have had.

I love you dad and I miss you so much