Saturday, October 17, 2009

Subject: B-Mail from da Rainbow Bridge

From: Thor Bailey
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 09:18:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: B-Mail from da Rainbow Bridge

Hi, it's Thor sendin' youse a b-mail. Dat's Bridge Mail from da Rainbow Bridge. Jus' wanted to let youse know dat me an' Larry have been catchin' up on old times. He's here an' lookin' fresh an' healthy an' young again. Jus' like me.

He tol' me to tell youse dat he's goin' to play wif all da dogs he's had da pleasure of knowin', trainin', and spendin' his life wif over da years. All of dem dat are here are surroundin' him as I'm writin' dis. I can hardly see him 'cause dere are so many of dem dat know him an' love him.

Jus' like you do, and my dad an' mawm do. Day said day is gonna miss him very much, an' dat all of his and your teachin's are gonna be what makes TeeJay da best of da best.

Do you know how good it feels to hear dem words again? Praise a good dog. He's been sayin' it non-stop since he arrived. An' so many tails are waggin' dat it causes quite a wind blowin' 'round up here.

So, da nex' time youse sees da wind blowin' da leaves off da trees, dat's prob'ly Larry jus' sayin' "Praise a good dog" to all of us an' we're sendin' it on to youse.........

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