Wednesday, October 21, 2009

FW: Thinking of Larry

Today Patricia and I were ring stewards for OKC, it was bittersweet on many levels.  The first trial I've been to since Ekko had her first ACL surgery, and the first since we lost Larry.  It was interesting watching the handlers and dogs (we stewarded with CT Fulkerson for Utility A, Open B & Versatility).  It was a tough day with not many qualifiers (5 dogs total out of 22 entries within the 3 classes) some due to the dogs being, well, dogs and some due to handler errors...where both our thoughts drifted to Larry. 
At the conclusion of our ring we both commented on how blessed we were to have trained with Larry.  Not only did he teach us how to throw a dumb bell (a lesson many of the handlers could have used) but he was also on us like a hawk for "bad human" errors.  Several teams did not qualify simply because of handler errors, which thanks to Larry, we both know better than to committ.
As I continue with my training I will NEVER forget the lessons Larry taught me, both in obedience and in life. 
Tonya, Heloise, Ekko & Oliver (all BETTER dogs for having known Uncle Larry) 

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and all answers is contained in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka

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